Error Handling


API Documentation (API Version v1)



Load Balancers will spread server load among a set of servers (aka nodes). This section of the API provides access for creating, adjusting, and removing load balancers from an account.





Adds a single node to an existing loadbalancer.


nodeAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.* Required
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.* Required


capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
custom_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters and does not start with a space (Maximum length: 255)* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.* Optional
nameA string.
nodesAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
project_nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
servicesAn array of associative arrays containing
dest_portA valid network port number.
health_checkAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
failure_thresholdA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
http_body_matchA string.* Optional
http_pathA correctly formed absolute path* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_response_codesA range of http response codes, such as '200-204,300-301,404'.* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_use_tlsA boolean value (0 or 1).* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
intervalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA string.
timeoutA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
src_portA valid network port number.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
vipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Adds a service to an existing loadbalancer.


dest_portA valid network port number.* Required
src_portA valid network port number.* Required
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.* Required


capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
custom_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters and does not start with a space (Maximum length: 255)* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.* Optional
nameA string.
nodesAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
project_nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
servicesAn array of associative arrays containing
dest_portA valid network port number.
health_checkAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
failure_thresholdA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
http_body_matchA string.* Optional
http_pathA correctly formed absolute path* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_response_codesA range of http response codes, such as '200-204,300-301,404'.* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_use_tlsA boolean value (0 or 1).* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
intervalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA string.
timeoutA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
src_portA valid network port number.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
vipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Find out if a loadbalancer name is already in use on an account. Allows for preventing DuplicateRecord exceptions when creating new load balancers.


nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines (Maximum length: 60)* Required


availableA boolean value (0 or 1).
nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines (Maximum length: 60)

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Create a new loadbalancer. Valid loadbalance strategies can be found using the /Network/LoadBalancer/strategies method.


nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines (Maximum length: 60)* Required
nodesAn array of an IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
servicesAn array of a valid loadbalancer service definition, being an associative array with keys src_port and dest_port, each being a valid network port number. An optional key health_check is permitted as well.* Required
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_certAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.* Required if:
  • ssl_termination is set to '1'
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_intAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.* Required if:
  • ssl_includes is set to '1'
ssl_keyA private key, including the BEGIN PRIVATE KEY and END PRIVATE KEY comments.* Required if:
  • ssl_termination is set to '1'
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Required


capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
custom_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters and does not start with a space (Maximum length: 255)* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.* Optional
nameA string.
nodesAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
project_nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
servicesAn array of associative arrays containing
dest_portA valid network port number.
health_checkAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
failure_thresholdA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
http_body_matchA string.* Optional
http_pathA correctly formed absolute path* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_response_codesA range of http response codes, such as '200-204,300-301,404'.* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_use_tlsA boolean value (0 or 1).* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
intervalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA string.
timeoutA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
src_portA valid network port number.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
vipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Delete a loadbalancer.


uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.* Required


deletedA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Get information about a specific loadbalancer.


uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.* Required


capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
custom_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters and does not start with a space (Maximum length: 255)* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.* Optional
nameA string.
nodesAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
project_nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
servicesAn array of associative arrays containing
dest_portA valid network port number.
health_checkAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
failure_thresholdA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
http_body_matchA string.* Optional
http_pathA correctly formed absolute path* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_response_codesA range of http response codes, such as '200-204,300-301,404'.* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_use_tlsA boolean value (0 or 1).* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
intervalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA string.
timeoutA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
src_portA valid network port number.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
vipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Gets a list of all loadbalancers on an account.


page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 25
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).


item_countA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
item_totalA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
custom_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters and does not start with a space (Maximum length: 255)* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.* Optional
nameA string.
nodesAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
project_nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
servicesAn array of associative arrays containing
dest_portA valid network port number.
health_checkAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
failure_thresholdA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
http_body_matchA string.* Optional
http_pathA correctly formed absolute path* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_response_codesA range of http response codes, such as '200-204,300-301,404'.* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_use_tlsA boolean value (0 or 1).* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
intervalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA string.
timeoutA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
src_portA valid network port number.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
vipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_totalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Gets a list of all possible Loadbalancer Nodes on an account, regardless of whether or not they are currently loadbalanced.


regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).


itemsAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Removes a single node from an existing loadbalancer.


nodeAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.* Required
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.* Required


capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
custom_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters and does not start with a space (Maximum length: 255)* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.* Optional
nameA string.
nodesAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
project_nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
servicesAn array of associative arrays containing
dest_portA valid network port number.
health_checkAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
failure_thresholdA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
http_body_matchA string.* Optional
http_pathA correctly formed absolute path* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_response_codesA range of http response codes, such as '200-204,300-301,404'.* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_use_tlsA boolean value (0 or 1).* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
intervalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA string.
timeoutA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
src_portA valid network port number.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
vipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Removes a single service from an existing loadbalancer.


src_portA valid network port number.* Required
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.* Required


capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
custom_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters and does not start with a space (Maximum length: 255)* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.* Optional
nameA string.
nodesAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
project_nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
servicesAn array of associative arrays containing
dest_portA valid network port number.
health_checkAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
failure_thresholdA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
http_body_matchA string.* Optional
http_pathA correctly formed absolute path* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_response_codesA range of http response codes, such as '200-204,300-301,404'.* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_use_tlsA boolean value (0 or 1).* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
intervalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA string.
timeoutA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
src_portA valid network port number.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
vipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Get a list of available strategies, with extra descriptive information.


No Values Defined


strategiesAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string.
nameA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Update an existing loadbalancer. Valid loadbalance strategies can be found using the /Network/LoadBalancer/strategies method.


nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines (Maximum length: 60)
nodesAn array of an IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
servicesAn array of a valid loadbalancer service definition, being an associative array with keys src_port and dest_port, each being a valid network port number. An optional key health_check is permitted as well.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_certAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.* Required if:
  • ssl_termination is set to '1'
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_intAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.* Required if:
  • ssl_includes is set to '1'
ssl_keyA private key, including the BEGIN PRIVATE KEY and END PRIVATE KEY comments.* Required if:
  • ssl_termination is set to '1'
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.* Required


capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
custom_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters and does not start with a space (Maximum length: 255)* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.* Optional
nameA string.
nodesAn array of associative arrays containing
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
ipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
project_nameA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
region_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
servicesAn array of associative arrays containing
dest_portA valid network port number.
health_checkAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
failure_thresholdA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
http_body_matchA string.* Optional
http_pathA correctly formed absolute path* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_response_codesA range of http response codes, such as '200-204,300-301,404'.* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
http_use_tlsA boolean value (0 or 1).* Required if:
  • protocol is set to 'http'
intervalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA string.
timeoutA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
protocolA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
src_portA valid network port number.
session_persistenceA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_includesA boolean value (0 or 1).
ssl_terminationA boolean value (0 or 1).
strategyA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
vipAn IPv4 IP address, in quad-dotted decimal notation (i.e.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types