Error Handling


API Documentation (API Version bleed)



The Basket API is used to purchase Liquid Web products and services. A basket is comprised of items and item configs. Items represent products and item configs represent the product options.

Current Available Alsowiths:

	* totals
	* items
	* configs
	* alerts**
	* productInfo***
	* maxDiscount***
	* discountSources
	* cpqMetadata

A desired output with all item(s) and config(s) including the basket, item(s), and config(s) totals would have the following alsowith:

	{... "alsowith":["items", "totals", "discountSources", ["items", "totals", "configs", ["configs", "totals"]]]" ...}

An output field indicating optional, is returned when the alsowith, it's key, is passed in.

** 'alerts' is a supported nested alsowith off of the 'configs' alsowith. E.g.

	{... "alsowith":["items", ["items", "configs", ["configs", "alerts"] ] ]" ...}

*** 'productInfo' and 'maxDiscount' is a supported nested alsowith off of the 'items' alsowith. E.g.

	{... "alsowith":["items", ["items", "productInfo", "maxDiscount"] ]" ...}





For given saved basket uuid, clone it and (optionally) merge clone into given destination basket. Saved basket must not be claimed.


alsowithA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
destination_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types






coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Required
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


successA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Returns alerts for a basket. Optionally return alerts for the basket's items and basket item's configs.


item_alertsA boolean value (0 or 1).
item_config_alertsA boolean value (0 or 1).
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


alertsAn array of arbitrary values.
item_alertsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
item_config_alertsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Update basket metadata without affecting existing metadata.

Note: Array contents are not merged. For example:

	* existing: { 'key' : [1,2] }

	* assert: { 'key' : [3,4] }

	* result: { 'key' : [3,4] } not { key : [1,2,3,4] }


metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Required
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Claim a basket with the authenticated API user as the owner. If the user is associated to a Liquid Web account, the basket will also be claimed to that account. Any not already purchased basket associated with the same owner will be merged.

Users that claimed a basket before having a Liquid Web account will need to recall this method to claim the basket to the user's Liquid Web account.


alsowithAn array of
claim_for_accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.
mergeA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Create a new basket.


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.
alsowithAn array of
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing
configsAn array of associative arrays containing
num_unitsAn integer value.
ptokA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Required
ptovA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Required
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.* Required
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Required
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Delete a new basket.


uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


deletedA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Given a basket UUID, return details of the basket.


alsowithAn array of
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types






alsowithAn array of
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Generates a temporary saved basket (30 days), cloned from the basket uuid passed in.


alsowithA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Lists all baskets belonging to your user (owner of basket).


alsowithAn array of
order_byAn associative array containing the fields:
fieldOne of: 'id', 'name', 'uuid'* Required
sortOne of: 'asc', 'desc'* Optional
  • Defaults to: desc
page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 25
statusAn array of One of: 'empty', 'pending', 'purchased', 'ready'


item_countA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
item_totalA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing
accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_totalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Purchase a basket. Basket must be valid and have a 'ready' status to complete the purchase with an order.

Obtain a 'ready' status by applying taxes to the basket (see applyTaxes method).


alsowithAn array of
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Baskets that are not locked and not purchased or ready status can refresh pricing to be current with the product catalog.


alsowithA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types






uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


successA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Set a name on the basket. Basket must be modifiable and unlocked to do so.


alsowithAn array of
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Required
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Required


accountA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
archivedA boolean value (0 or 1).
basket_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
claimableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cloneableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cpqMetadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountSourcesAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.* Optional
by_time_unitAn array of associative arrays containing
descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
discount_amountA positive floating-point value requiring a leading whole number.
coupon_calloutA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
coupon_codeA 6 to 40 character coupon code* Optional
coupon_nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountAmountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discountStrategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discount_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
discount_strategyA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
has_valid_productA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
itemDiscountsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
basket_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
config_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
expireEither: a valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.; or perl undef only.* Optional
isApprovedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
base_priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
basket_uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
configsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
alertsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
detailsAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
levelOne of: 'error', 'info', 'warn'
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
is_extraA boolean value (0 or 1).
keyA product option name.
key_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
key_display_orderAn integer value.* Optional
key_groupA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
key_group_display_orderA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
num_unitsAn integer value.* Optional
num_units_incrementA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
num_units_lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
num_units_maxA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_minA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
num_units_num_setAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
num_units_typeA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
parent_keyA product option name.* Optional
parent_valueA product option value.* Optional
priceA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
ptokA valid id number (a positive integer).
ptovA valid id number (a positive integer).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
subtotal_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
valueA product option value.
value_commentsA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
value_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
value_display_orderAn integer value.
value_price_time_unitA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
discountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
discountableA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
extra_dataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
maxDiscountA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
productInfoAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
aliasA string containing only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores, and slashes up to 100 max.* Optional
capabilitiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
credit_eligibleA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cycleA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
defaultSubdomainA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.* Optional
discountableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
product_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
product_display_groupA string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.* Optional
series_descriptionA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
series_display_orderA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
sub_titleA string.* Optional
tax_codeA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.* Optional
titleA string.* Optional
product_codeA valid product code, at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
propertiesAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
regionA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
taxA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
configs_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
item_total_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
subtotal_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_base_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
configs_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
configs_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_prepay_auto_renewEither: a boolean value (0 or 1).; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_discountEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_onceEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_ongoingEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
item_prepay_term_maxEither: a non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).; or perl undef only.
item_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_setup_feeA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
item_total_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
subtotal_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_base_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).
lockedA boolean value (0 or 1).
mergeableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
metadataAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.* Optional
modifiableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
nameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
nonceA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).* Optional
ownerA subaccnt username consisting of up to 63 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, periods, pluses, or at symbols).* Optional
purchasableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
share_codeA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
statusA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
timeUnitTotalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_price_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_subtotalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
items_tax_totalAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
total_basket_costAn associative array of arbitrary keys and values.
totalsAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
items_discount_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_prepay_discount_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_once_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_prepay_ongoing_totalEither: a monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00; or perl undef only.
items_price_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_setup_fee_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_subtotalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
items_tax_totalA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
total_basket_costA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00
unlockableA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
uuidA valid UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
validA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types