Error Handling


API Documentation (API Version bleed)



An invoice is a record of specific charges owed by the customer for a set of services. A bill is a point of communication with a customer. When Liquid Web bills a customer, it gathers any outstanding invoices, generates any new invoices if needed and sends them to the customer.

There are three ways an invoice could be generated:

  1. Any time a service is added or removed from an account an invoice is generated.

  2. During the normal billing time for an account, an invoice is generated for the upcoming month.

  3. For certain services where it is impossible to know how much to charge until we know the usage for the service, we charge for the previous month's usage. If an account has charges for any of those services (backups, bandwidth overages, etc), an additional invoice will be generated for those services only.

**** NOTE ****

Bills related methods have been moved to billing->bill

In order to help clear up confusion, we have made an effort to separate bills and invoices. Originally, to try and make things simpler, we attempted to make bills and invoices appear more like one thing. This, unfortunately, did not work as well as intended. In making things more transparent, the API methods involving Bills and Invoices have been refined. In order to maintain backwards compatibility, the version 1 (v1) methods will continue to refer to bills rather than invoices. Moving forward, including the bleed version, the methods will be referring solely to invoices. This means that a list method called as v1 will return different data than the bleed version.

Exceptions to this rule: Any method that only existed as a bleed method prior to the separation of bills and invoices. These methods have been completely moved to billing->bill and are no longer available under billing->invoice.






idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Required
previewA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 0



A valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.

The account number associated with a given invoice.


An array of an associative array of arbitrary keys and values.

An hash containing payment ids and the amount of money from each that has been applied to the invoice

* Optional

An associative array containing the fields:

An associative array containing the calculated total, paid, and due amounts for an invoice


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

When paying an invoice, the amount of money that was applied

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The total amount remaining due on an invoice..


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The total amount current paid on an invoice.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum tax total of all line items on an invoice.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum total of all line items on an invoice.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum pre-tax total of all discounts on an invoice.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum tax total of all line items on an invoice.


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date an customer was notified of an invoice, will not be returned if the invoice has not been billed yet.

* Optional

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

Defines if an invoice is a dependent of another (parent) invoice.


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date an invoice is due.

* Optional

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

Local Currency

* Optional

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

Local currency to USD exchange rate at the time the invoice is created

* Optional

A valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

The date an invoice was generated in our system.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

A unique id for an invoice.


A single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.

The id for an invoice including a revision number, if any


A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if the invoice is considered pastdue or not


An array of associative arrays containing

An array containing a list of line item groups associated with an invoice. Each element of the array is an associative array containing the following fields:

* Optional

A valid account number or subaccnt owner id.

The account id (and possibly subaccnt id) tied to a line item group.


A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if the item group is an account level group or not.


A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

The description of a line item group.


A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

The description of a line item group.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the line item group.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the invoice associated with a line item group.


An array of associative arrays containing

An array of line items for a given group, each element of the array consists of an associative array with the following fields:

* Optional

A username up to 20 characters in length if active or 24 if suspended.

The user who made the adjustment

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date that the adjustment was performed.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

How much the charged amount changed.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

The line item this adjustment is adjusting.

* Optional
aggregation_keyA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the BUF the line item was created from.

* Optional
charged_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional

A string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines

The line item this adjustment is adjusting.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

If this line item represents a discount, this is a description of the type of discount.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

The order in which the line items should be displayed.

* Optional

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date the billing period was ended for this specific line item.

group_idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if any adjustements have been applied to this line item.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

How much the line item adjustment was.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

A valid id number (a positive integer).

The ID of the invoice containing the adjustments.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

Text containing only letters, underscores, and spaces.

Details the type of adjustment performed.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

An array of associative arrays containing

An array of prior line items that were replaced by a series of adjustments resulting in the current line item

* Optional

A username up to 20 characters in length if active or 24 if suspended.

The user who made the adjustment

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date that the adjustment was performed.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

How much the charged amount changed.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

The line item this adjustment is adjusting.

* Optional
aggregation_keyA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the BUF the line item was created from.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The amount charged for.


A string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines

The line item this adjustment is adjusting.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

If this line item represents a discount, this is a description of the type of discount.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

The order in which the line items should be displayed.

* Optional

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date the billing period was ended for this specific line item.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the group the line item belongs to.


A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if any adjustements have been applied to this line item.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

How much the line item adjustment was.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

A valid id number (a positive integer).

The ID of the invoice containing the adjustments.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

Text containing only letters, underscores, and spaces.

Details the type of adjustment performed.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the line item being viewed.


A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if this line item is an adjustment to another invoice.

* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if this charge is recurring or not.

* Optional

A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

Description of the specific line item


A positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

The ID of the parent feature for a line item.

* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the parent line item, if this line item represents a discount.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

This is the total of the charged amount and tax.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

The number of units being charged for on this line item.

* Optional

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date the billing period was started for this specific line item.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the subaccnt base product the line item was created from.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

This is the amount of tax charged on the invoice line item.

* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if charge is taxable or not.

* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if this line item is an adjustment to another invoice.

* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if this charge is recurring or not.

* Optional

A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

Description of the specific line item


A positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

The ID of the parent feature for a line item.

* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the parent line item, if this line item represents a discount.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

This is the total of the charged amount and tax.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

The number of units being charged for on this line item.

* Optional

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date the billing period was started for this specific line item.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the subaccnt base product the line item was created from.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

This is the amount of tax charged on the invoice line item.

* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if charge is taxable or not.

* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the owner relation tied to a line item group.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum of all line items associated with a line item group.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum of all line items associated with a line item group.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum of all line items associated with a line item group.


A six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.

Optional. The unique id of the subaccount the line item group in question relates to

* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Id specifc to the locality of the invoice.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The amount of tax charged on the invoice converted to the local currency.

* Optional

A single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.

Indicates if the status of an invoice. Statuses include pending, unpaid, partially-paid, paid, void, etc.


An array of associative arrays containing

An array containing a list of payments associated with an invoice. Each element of the array is an associative array containing the following fields:

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The amount of money a payment was recorded for.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the bill a payment is tied to.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

A unique id for a payment associated with an invoice.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the invoice a payment is tied to.


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date a payment was received.


A string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.

An optional field that can indicate the reason an invoice was created.

* Optional

A string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.

An optional field that can indicate the reason an invoice was created, formated for display to the customer.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

How many revisions the invoice has experienced (a revision is one or more adjustments with the same time stamp)


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The end date of a date range that an invoice covered for an associated service(s).


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The start date of a date range that an invoice covered for an associated service(s).


A floating-point value.

The tax rate for the invoice.

* Optional

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types






Deprecated. This method has been moved to billing->bill->list

Returns a list of all the bills for the logged in account. Bills are created at your regular billing date, but are also created for one-off items like creating or cloning a server.


Returns a list of all the invoices for the logged in account.



A single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.

Available options: payments, line_items. If needed, you can request that either payments, line_items, or both can be returned when calling list. They are automatically returned when using the details method.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

Pass in a specific bill id to retrieve a list of invoices only associated with the requested bill.


An array of a string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.

Allows a user to limit the list of invoices returned based on the status of the invoice. Statuses include: unpaid, partially-paid and paid.

page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 25

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Include invoice previews, if they exist.

* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1


item_countA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
item_totalA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing

A valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.

The account number associated with a given invoice.


An array of an associative array of arbitrary keys and values.

An hash containing payment ids and the amount of money from each that has been applied to the invoice

* Optional

An associative array containing the fields:

An associative array containing the calculated total, paid, and due amounts for an invoice


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

When paying an invoice, the amount of money that was applied

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The total amount remaining due on an invoice..


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The total amount current paid on an invoice.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum tax total of all line items on an invoice.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum total of all line items on an invoice.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum pre-tax total of all discounts on an invoice.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum tax total of all line items on an invoice.


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date an customer was notified of an invoice, will not be returned if the invoice has not been billed yet.

* Optional

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

Defines if an invoice is a dependent of another (parent) invoice.


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date an invoice is due.

* Optional

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

Local Currency

* Optional

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

Local currency to USD exchange rate at the time the invoice is created

* Optional

A valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

The date an invoice was generated in our system.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

A unique id for an invoice.


A single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.

The id for an invoice including a revision number, if any


A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if the invoice is considered pastdue or not


An array of associative arrays containing

An array containing a list of line item groups associated with an invoice. Each element of the array is an associative array containing the following fields:

* Optional

A valid account number or subaccnt owner id.

The account id (and possibly subaccnt id) tied to a line item group.


A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if the item group is an account level group or not.


A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

The description of a line item group.


A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

The description of a line item group.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the line item group.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the invoice associated with a line item group.


An array of associative arrays containing

An array of line items for a given group, each element of the array consists of an associative array with the following fields:

* Optional

A username up to 20 characters in length if active or 24 if suspended.

The user who made the adjustment

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date that the adjustment was performed.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

How much the charged amount changed.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

The line item this adjustment is adjusting.

* Optional
aggregation_keyA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the BUF the line item was created from.

* Optional
charged_amountA monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00* Optional

A string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines

The line item this adjustment is adjusting.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

If this line item represents a discount, this is a description of the type of discount.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

The order in which the line items should be displayed.

* Optional

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date the billing period was ended for this specific line item.

group_idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if any adjustements have been applied to this line item.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

How much the line item adjustment was.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

A valid id number (a positive integer).

The ID of the invoice containing the adjustments.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

Text containing only letters, underscores, and spaces.

Details the type of adjustment performed.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

An array of associative arrays containing

An array of prior line items that were replaced by a series of adjustments resulting in the current line item

* Optional

A username up to 20 characters in length if active or 24 if suspended.

The user who made the adjustment

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date that the adjustment was performed.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

How much the charged amount changed.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

The line item this adjustment is adjusting.

* Optional
aggregation_keyA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the BUF the line item was created from.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The amount charged for.


A string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines

The line item this adjustment is adjusting.

* Required if:
  • is_adjustment is set to '1'

A single word, consisting of only letters and digits.

If this line item represents a discount, this is a description of the type of discount.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

The order in which the line items should be displayed.

* Optional

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date the billing period was ended for this specific line item.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the group the line item belongs to.


A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if any adjustements have been applied to this line item.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

How much the line item adjustment was.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

A valid id number (a positive integer).

The ID of the invoice containing the adjustments.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

Text containing only letters, underscores, and spaces.

Details the type of adjustment performed.

* Required if:
  • has_adjustments is set to '1'

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the line item being viewed.


A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if this line item is an adjustment to another invoice.

* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if this charge is recurring or not.

* Optional

A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

Description of the specific line item


A positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

The ID of the parent feature for a line item.

* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the parent line item, if this line item represents a discount.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

This is the total of the charged amount and tax.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

The number of units being charged for on this line item.

* Optional

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date the billing period was started for this specific line item.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the subaccnt base product the line item was created from.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

This is the amount of tax charged on the invoice line item.

* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if charge is taxable or not.

* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if this line item is an adjustment to another invoice.

* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if this charge is recurring or not.

* Optional

A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

Description of the specific line item


A positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

The ID of the parent feature for a line item.

* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the parent line item, if this line item represents a discount.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

This is the total of the charged amount and tax.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

The number of units being charged for on this line item.

* Optional

A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date the billing period was started for this specific line item.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

Unique ID of the subaccnt base product the line item was created from.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

This is the amount of tax charged on the invoice line item.

* Optional

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Indicates if charge is taxable or not.

* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the owner relation tied to a line item group.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum of all line items associated with a line item group.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum of all line items associated with a line item group.


A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The sum of all line items associated with a line item group.


A six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.

Optional. The unique id of the subaccount the line item group in question relates to

* Optional

A valid id number (a positive integer).

Id specifc to the locality of the invoice.

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The amount of tax charged on the invoice converted to the local currency.

* Optional

A single word, consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.

Indicates if the status of an invoice. Statuses include pending, unpaid, partially-paid, paid, void, etc.


An array of associative arrays containing

An array containing a list of payments associated with an invoice. Each element of the array is an associative array containing the following fields:

* Optional

A monetary value, such as -$.05, 0.05, or -5.00

The amount of money a payment was recorded for.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the bill a payment is tied to.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

A unique id for a payment associated with an invoice.


A valid id number (a positive integer).

The unique id of the invoice a payment is tied to.


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The date a payment was received.


A string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.

An optional field that can indicate the reason an invoice was created.

* Optional

A string consisting of only letters, digits, hyphens, spaces, and underscores.

An optional field that can indicate the reason an invoice was created, formated for display to the customer.

* Optional

A non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).

How many revisions the invoice has experienced (a revision is one or more adjustments with the same time stamp)


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The end date of a date range that an invoice covered for an associated service(s).


A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The start date of a date range that an invoice covered for an associated service(s).


A floating-point value.

The tax rate for the invoice.

* Optional
page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_totalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types