Error Handling


API Documentation (API Version bleed)



This section of the API allows for interacting with a market package.





For the specified package code, return details of the package. If a version ID is not provided, the latest version regardless of whether it's published or not will be returned.


codeA valid market package code, beginning with "PKG-" and the rest beging at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.* Required
version_idA valid id number (a positive integer).


admin_commentA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines
codeA valid market package code, beginning with "PKG-" and the rest beging at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
last_updatedA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
statusOne of: 'active', 'archived', 'draft', 'retired'
titleA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines
versionAn associative array containing the fields:
allow_couponA boolean value (0 or 1).
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
currentA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cyclesAn array of associative arrays containing
cycleA valid billing cycle (monthly, quarterly, biannually, yearly, or biennially).
cycle_repetitionsAn integer value.* Optional
discount_amountA floating-point value.
idA valid id number (a positive integer).
market_package_version_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
prior_idA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
descriptionA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
featuresAn array of a string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
idA valid id number (a positive integer).
market_package_codeA valid market package code, beginning with "PKG-" and the rest beging at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
prior_idA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
publishedA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
reasonA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
usernameA username up to 20 characters in length if active or 24 if suspended.* Optional

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Returns a list of all packages for a given search.


filterAn array of associative arrays containing
fieldOne of: 'code', 'status', 'title'* Required
termOne of the following:* Required
A string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
An array of a string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
order_byAn associative array containing the fields:
fieldThe value: 'code'* Required
sortOne of: 'asc', 'desc'* Optional
  • Defaults to: desc
page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 25

A boolean value (0 or 1).

Unless this is set to true, no results with a status of "archived" will be returned


item_countA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
item_totalA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing
admin_commentA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines
codeA valid market package code, beginning with "PKG-" and the rest beging at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
last_updatedA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
statusOne of: 'active', 'archived', 'draft', 'retired'
titleA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines
versionAn associative array containing the fields:
allow_couponA boolean value (0 or 1).
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.
currentA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
cyclesAn array of associative arrays containing
cycleA valid billing cycle (monthly, quarterly, biannually, yearly, or biennially).
cycle_repetitionsAn integer value.* Optional
discount_amountA floating-point value.
idA valid id number (a positive integer).
market_package_version_idA valid id number (a positive integer).
prior_idA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
descriptionA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
featuresAn array of a string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
idA valid id number (a positive integer).
market_package_codeA valid market package code, beginning with "PKG-" and the rest beging at least 3 chars long, including at least one letter.
prior_idA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
publishedA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
reasonA string permitting tabs, carriage returns and newlines* Optional
usernameA username up to 20 characters in length if active or 24 if suspended.* Optional
page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_totalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types