Error Handling


API Documentation (API Version bleed)



An SSL certificate allows for users to securely send information to a web service. In order for a certificate to be generally trusted, it needs to be signed by a trusted agent known as a certificate authority. The methods discussed in this document facilitate the process of ordering and managing certificates. The following directions will describe the process of ordering a new certificate via this API.

The first optional step is to call extractCSRDetails. It accepts a single argument of a CSR. This method will determine if the CSR is for a wildcard certificate, contact information in the CSR as well as if the 'auto' verification method is available for this certificate. Auto verification streamlines the verification process. This verification method is only available if the domain for which the CSR is made has DNS delegation to our name servers and if that domain's DNS zone is listed under your account.

Next, the order method should be called to start the order process. The return structure will have the details needed to call the verify method. For example, if you chose the metatag verification method, you would see a return structure like the following where html_meta_tag is the meta tag which must be inserted into the head of the root html document at one of the domains listed in the URLs array, and the uniq_id is the identifier for the CSR:

	        uniq_id           => ssl_uniq_id,
	        verification_data => {
	                MetaTag => html_meta_tag,
	                URLs    => [acceptable_domain, ...]

Once the order call returns, the verify method may be called for the new SSL order. This call requires the uniq_id of the CSR to be given (this would have been returned by the order method), and one of email, name, or URL depending on the desired verification method.

An extra step for email verification is to call confirmVerified which will refresh the cache on the SSL order details and return the new set of details including the certificate if email verification succeeded.





cancelOrder is a method used in the case you decide to cancel your certificate order.


subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.


cancelledA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Enables or disables auto-renewal for the specified SSL certificate.


auto_renewOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Required
subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.


accntA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
autorenew_valueOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Optional
certificateAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
ca_bundleAn associative array containing the fields:
intermediateAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
rootAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
certificatesAn associative array containing the fields:
PKCS7CertAn ssl PKCS7 public certificate, including the BEGIN PKCS7 and END PKCS7 comments.
X509CertAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
durationOne of: '12', '24', '36'
expirationA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
notifiedA boolean value (0 or 1).
order_idA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_dataAn associative array containing the fields:
MetaTagA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
URLsAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
approverEmailsAn array of a valid email address.* Optional
attemptedDomainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
attemptedEmailA valid email address.* Optional
attemptedURLA valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).* Optional
namesAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
rdataA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
verify_urlsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types






subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_methodOne of: 'dns', 'metatag'* Required


accntA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
autorenew_valueOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Optional
certificateAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
ca_bundleAn associative array containing the fields:
intermediateAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
rootAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
certificatesAn associative array containing the fields:
PKCS7CertAn ssl PKCS7 public certificate, including the BEGIN PKCS7 and END PKCS7 comments.
X509CertAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
durationOne of: '12', '24', '36'
expirationA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
notifiedA boolean value (0 or 1).
order_idA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_dataAn associative array containing the fields:
MetaTagA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
URLsAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
approverEmailsAn array of a valid email address.* Optional
attemptedDomainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
attemptedEmailA valid email address.* Optional
attemptedURLA valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).* Optional
namesAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
rdataA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
verify_urlsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Refreshes the certificate data cache in the case of email authentication.


subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.


accntA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
autorenew_valueOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Optional
certificateAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
ca_bundleAn associative array containing the fields:
intermediateAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
rootAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
certificatesAn associative array containing the fields:
PKCS7CertAn ssl PKCS7 public certificate, including the BEGIN PKCS7 and END PKCS7 comments.
X509CertAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
durationOne of: '12', '24', '36'
expirationA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
notifiedA boolean value (0 or 1).
order_idA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_dataAn associative array containing the fields:
MetaTagA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
URLsAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
approverEmailsAn array of a valid email address.* Optional
attemptedDomainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
attemptedEmailA valid email address.* Optional
attemptedURLA valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).* Optional
namesAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
rdataA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
verify_urlsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Retrieves the details of a particular SSL associated with the account.


alsowithA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Required if:
  • subaccnt is not given
  • uniq_id is not given
subaccntA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Required if:
  • domain is not given
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.* Required if:
  • domain is not given
  • subaccnt is not given


accntA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
autorenew_valueOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Optional
certificateAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
ca_bundleAn associative array containing the fields:
intermediateAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
rootAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
certificatesAn associative array containing the fields:
PKCS7CertAn ssl PKCS7 public certificate, including the BEGIN PKCS7 and END PKCS7 comments.
X509CertAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
durationOne of: '12', '24', '36'
expirationA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
notifiedA boolean value (0 or 1).
order_idA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_dataAn associative array containing the fields:
MetaTagA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
URLsAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
approverEmailsAn array of a valid email address.* Optional
attemptedDomainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
attemptedEmailA valid email address.* Optional
attemptedURLA valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).* Optional
namesAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
rdataA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
verify_urlsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





This method examines a given CSR and checks to see if it is for a wildcard domain and if auto verification is a viable option.


csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.* Required


autoVerifyCapableA boolean value (0 or 1).
cityA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
commonNameA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
countryA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
emailAddressA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
invalidFieldsAn array of associative arrays containing * Optional
fieldA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
messageA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.
organizationA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
organizationalUnitA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
sanAn array of a string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
stateA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





The generate method is used to trgger generation of a new ssl certificate. This process is only valid if the given server uniq_id is a whm enabled server.

This process will take the provided information, and generate an ssl certificate on your server using the information. If the auto verification option is available, it will then proceed to carry out the verification process for the certificate, and then install it on your server.


autorenewA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 0
cityA valid city name.* Required
commonNameA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Required
countryA valid ISO country code.* Required
durationOne of: '1', '2', '3'* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
emailAddressA valid email address.* Required
keysizeOne of: '1024', '2048', '4096', '512'* Optional
  • Defaults to: 4096
organizationA valid company name, up to 100 characters in length.* Required
organizationalUnitA valid name, up to 100 characters in length.* Required
stateA valid state or province.* Required
subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'metatag'* Required
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 0


generatingA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Returns a list of servers which are candidates for automatic SSL certificate generation and installation. Will return details on if the servers which are candidates support the needed functionality.


No Values Defined


One or more keys matching: a valid hostname (Fully qualified domain name, consisting only of letters, digits and '-')An associative array containing the fields:* Optional
automaticA boolean value (0 or 1).
cpCredentialsA boolean value (0 or 1).
sniEnabledA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





This method returns a count of how many certificates have been ordered in the billing cycle and how many are allowed to be ordered (there is a limit if they are a reseller).


No Values Defined


currentA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
limitA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
limit_reachedA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Lists the SSL orders associated with the account.


alsowithA single word, consisting of only letters, digits, and underscores.
domainA hostname or fully-qualified domain name (i.e. localhost, liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
order_byAn associative array containing the fields:
fieldOne of: 'domain', 'duration', 'expiration', 'verification_status'* Required
sortOne of: 'asc', 'desc'* Optional
  • Defaults to: desc
page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 25
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
verification_methodOne of: 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).


item_countA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
item_totalA non-negative integer value (i.e. 0 and up).
itemsAn array of associative arrays containing
accntA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
autorenew_valueOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Optional
certificateAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
ca_bundleAn associative array containing the fields:
intermediateAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
rootAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
certificatesAn associative array containing the fields:
PKCS7CertAn ssl PKCS7 public certificate, including the BEGIN PKCS7 and END PKCS7 comments.
X509CertAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
durationOne of: '12', '24', '36'
expirationA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
notifiedA boolean value (0 or 1).
order_idA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_dataAn associative array containing the fields:
MetaTagA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
URLsAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
approverEmailsAn array of a valid email address.* Optional
attemptedDomainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
attemptedEmailA valid email address.* Optional
attemptedURLA valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).* Optional
namesAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
rdataA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
verify_urlsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).
page_numA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_sizeA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
page_totalA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Begins the order process.

Note: auto verification involves adding a TXT record to the DNS zone which has authority over the domain specified in the CSR. In order for this option to be available, the domain's delegation must specify our DNS servers as having authority over it and the DNS zone must exist in your account.


autorenewA boolean value (0 or 1).* Optional
  • Defaults to: 0
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.* Required
domainEither: a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc); or a wildcard, represented by '*.domain'.* Required
durationOne of: '1', '2', '3'* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'metatag'* Required


accntA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
autorenew_valueOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Optional
certificateAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
ca_bundleAn associative array containing the fields:
intermediateAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
rootAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
certificatesAn associative array containing the fields:
PKCS7CertAn ssl PKCS7 public certificate, including the BEGIN PKCS7 and END PKCS7 comments.
X509CertAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
durationOne of: '12', '24', '36'
expirationA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
notifiedA boolean value (0 or 1).
order_idA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_dataAn associative array containing the fields:
MetaTagA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
URLsAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
approverEmailsAn array of a valid email address.* Optional
attemptedDomainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
attemptedEmailA valid email address.* Optional
attemptedURLA valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).* Optional
namesAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
rdataA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
verify_urlsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
warningA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Reissue an existing certificate


csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
hash_algorithmOne of: 'SHA1', 'SHA256'
private_keyA private key, including the BEGIN PRIVATE KEY and END PRIVATE KEY comments.
subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.


successA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Renew allows for renewing a certificate for a certain period of time. Calling this method will require an iteration of the verification process again.


durationOne of: '1', '2', '3'* Optional
  • Defaults to: 1
subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.


accntA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
autorenew_valueOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Optional
certificateAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
ca_bundleAn associative array containing the fields:
intermediateAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
rootAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
certificatesAn associative array containing the fields:
PKCS7CertAn ssl PKCS7 public certificate, including the BEGIN PKCS7 and END PKCS7 comments.
X509CertAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
durationOne of: '12', '24', '36'
expirationA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
notifiedA boolean value (0 or 1).
order_idA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_dataAn associative array containing the fields:
MetaTagA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
URLsAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
approverEmailsAn array of a valid email address.* Optional
attemptedDomainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
attemptedEmailA valid email address.* Optional
attemptedURLA valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).* Optional
namesAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
rdataA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
verify_urlsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Revoke is a method used in the case of an SSL certificate being compromised. Once the certificate has been revoked, it will no longer show as being a trusted certificate to the users of the web service which employs that certificate.

Once the certificate has been revoked, it is removed from the account.


reasonOne of: 'affiliationChanged', 'cessationOfOperation', 'keyCompromise', 'superseded', 'unspecified'
subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.


revokedA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Given a server that we will be generating a CSR on, and a domain that the certificate will be for, return the list of valid certificate verification methods.

This is accomplished primarily by identifying if the dns for the domain is hosted on LiquidWeb nameservers, or if the nameservers for the domain reside on the server we're generating the csr on to determine the validity of the automatic verification method.


domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Required
subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.


verification_methodsAn array of One of: 'auto', 'dns', 'metatag'

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types





Performs the verification check. Depending on the verification method specified in the order method, a particular argument will need to be given to the verify method.

	Verification Method | argument | value
	dns                 | name     | One of the approved domains to check its DNS
	                    |          | TXT record
	metatag             | url      | URL to the root of one of the approved domains

Note: If the verification method was email, an additional call to confirmVerified is needed to refresh the data cache.


nameA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
subaccntA valid id number (a positive integer).* Required if:
  • uniq_id is not given
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
urlEither: a valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).; or An array of a valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).


accntA valid account number, up to 6 digits in length.* Optional
autorenew_valueOne of: 'Off', 'On'* Optional
certificateAn associative array containing the fields:* Optional
ca_bundleAn associative array containing the fields:
intermediateAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
rootAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
certificatesAn associative array containing the fields:
PKCS7CertAn ssl PKCS7 public certificate, including the BEGIN PKCS7 and END PKCS7 comments.
X509CertAn ssl X509 public certificate, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE comments.
createdA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
csrAn ssl certificate signing request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST comments.
domainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)
durationOne of: '12', '24', '36'
expirationA valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or a DateTime object.* Optional
idA positive integer value (i.e. 1 and up).
notifiedA boolean value (0 or 1).
order_idA single word, consisting of only letters and digits.
renewableA boolean value (0 or 1).
uniq_idA six-character identifier, containing only capital letters and digits.
verification_dataAn associative array containing the fields:
MetaTagA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
URLsAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
approverEmailsAn array of a valid email address.* Optional
attemptedDomainA fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
attemptedEmailA valid email address.* Optional
attemptedURLA valid http or https uri (i.e. http://www.liquidweb.com).* Optional
namesAn array of a fully-qualified domain name (i.e. liquidweb.com, www.liquidweb.com, etc)* Optional
rdataA string of text, containing no newlines or other control characters.* Optional
verification_methodOne of: 'auto', 'dns', 'email', 'metatag'
verification_statusOne of: 'Attempted', 'Delayed', 'Failed', 'Pending', 'Verified'
verify_urlsAn array of arbitrary values.* Optional
wildcardA boolean value (0 or 1).

Possible Errors:

Refer to the Error Handling documentation for the list of exception types